Brunswick Landing Marina to Buckhead Creek Anchorage: The Long and Winding Road

It was finally time to leave Brunswick. We picked out a couple of likely anchorages and planned to go about 77 miles. Since we had the whole day, we weren’t in a hurry. We got up on a nice calm morning, has some eggs on toast for breakfast, and pushed away from the dock.

The day started out with promise. The sun came out and it was quite pleasant. As the day wore on, it became overcast and a bit chilly. This part of the ICW winds through the salt marshes, sand bars, and islands between the various barrier islands and the mainland. Every 15 or 20 miles there is an inlet where the wind opens up and it got a little choppy, but nothing bad.

Our first choice of anchorage was Buckhead Creek. It’s a wide and deep with a little bit of wind protection depending on the direction. It’s also the last really good anchorage before getting to Hell Gate. We wanted to get there so that we could run through Hell Gate at high tide on the next morning.

When we pulled into the creek, we were the only ones there. We made out way to the first fork, took the south fork, and anchored near the split. We were at low tide and put the hook down in 12 feet with 150 feet of rode. This would allow for the 8 foot tide.

A fellow looper snapped this picture of us underway

It was a beautiful quiet anchorage. One other looper came in late and anchored in the north fork just out of sight behind some trees. We enjoyed the quiet.

Right before sunset, the sun finally came out again to provide us a beautiful sunset. It was a good coda for a good day sailing.

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